Saturday 28 May 2011

Just testing this baby out

Just as the title suggests I'm just playing around with stuff tonight. So here's a photo of my painting which is currently the background for my lovely new blog. She was painted for my daughter.

"Mermaid for Milla"
Watercolour on paper
April 2011

Prints will be available soon through my Etsy or stores
I'm still working on them at the moment.

And away we go..........

So, I decided to get me a blog so I can share my art and stuff without having to bombard my friends and family with "Hey, look at this one" emails all the time. I will start by saying that I'm pretty sure I won't be a particularly prolific, new post every day type of blogger. Just now and then when I feel the need to share something I've created. So anyway I suppose Run Away Violet is off and running........ Be sure to come back and check on me every once in a while.